Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Chints, Plain Ginghams, Lawn..": 1770s Textile Advertisements

Continuing to delve into the archives for primary resource course materials, the author came across these three newspaper advertisements from Portsmouth, NH (USA) shops. They make fine exploration into textiles available (primarily from London vessels - "Just imported from London") in the years leading up to the American Revolution. One thing that perhaps stands out for the modern reader is the sheer number of textile choices available for purchase.

Portsmouth is a seacoast community and shares much maritime history and patterns of trade with Boston, Salem and Newburyport. The Butler ad can be dated to c. 1770, the year that John Noyes of Bow, NH died. The settlement of the estate 
follows Butler's announcement.

"Tabby brocade," 
c. mid 1700s
Courtesy, Cleveland Museum of Art (left)

Textile samples including chintz and gingham, mentioned in the ads. (below)

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